PAX Application
Thank you again for taking this step in making your online space, organisation or physical locale a more welcoming and inclusive place for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies, especially all those involved in the sphere of sacred music. This page contains details for completing your application.
Displaying the PAX emblem is a great way to signal to people who are feeling unsafe or marginalised that this is a place where all are welcome, and that their talents and arts are valued and appreciated.

How does PAX accreditation work?
Once you have decided to be part of the PAX initiative, you will need to submit an application form to our Secretary-General via admin@harmonicprism.org and provide supporting evidence in the 3 key areas (full descriptions below):
These criteria are purposefully designed to be flexible. We acknowledge that too stringent a set of criteria, when there is a great diversity of online spaces, physical localities and organisations out there, could be counterproductive. At the same time, we want to ensure that those who display the PAX icon are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for those in the Rainbow community​
You must also provide the name and contact details of a member of your staff or organisation who is willing to act as liaison with PRISM for auditing and review purposes.
Annual Review
Accreditation is reviewed on an annual basis and, unless you request otherwise, will be displayed in a directory on PRISM’s website www.harmonicprism.org
We can't wait for you to apply for PAX. Before you do, make sure to check out the criteria.
Once you're ready, print off the PDF application form, scan it, and email it to admin@harmonicprism.org along with any supporting evidence.
We've made it easier for you by using a PDF form, which allows you to gain necessary organisational approval and attach the necessary documentation to your email. Let's get started!
Accreditation Criteria
​The broad criteria for PAX - Protection, Participation Partnership - are designed to be flexible enough to incorporate a wide range of community organisations or spaces, while allowing for the safety and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ musicians and artists. If you have any questions about eligibility or your ability to meet any of the criteria, please contact us and let’s have a conversation. Our aim, after all, is to make the world a more inclusive place.
Criterion: Your organisation should adhere to non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. Additionally, there should be well-defined, easily initiated, and impartial processes for reporting and addressing incidents of discrimination or harassment.
Evidence: Most modern organisations will already have documentation and processes in place to address protection of the more vulnerable in their community. All we require is to be able to view what non-discrimination policies or reporting procedures you already have in place. Simply point us in the right direction on your website, social media platforms, or attach documentation to an email.
Criterion: The organisation should provide information, engage in workshops, or undertake some form of training for staff or members of the organisation to cover LGBTQIA+ sensitivity, inclusivity, and awareness. Training should be ongoing to keep staff and/or members updated on evolving best practices. Often, but not always, this work will be included under existing Safeguarding training.
Evidence: For this area, all we require is to be able to talk with a nominated liaison person about your organisation’s practices. The liaison person should ideally be from the LGBTQIA+ community. You may also like to provide evidence of training sessions, including the topics covered, attendance, and any feedback received. The idea is to demonstrate how awareness training contributes to a more inclusive and welcoming community atmosphere.
Criterion: Your organisation should actively engage with the local LGBTQIA+ community: this may involve establishing partnerships with relevant organisations, collaborating with LGBTQIA+ musicians, advocacy groups, or nonprofits, or consistently featuring Rainbow Community members in your programming and performances to demonstrate diverse representation of artists across genres and identities.
Evidence: This may come in the form of documentation of community engagement efforts, such as partnership agreements, collaborative events, and testimonials from LGBTQIA+ community members who have participated in or benefited from your institution's programmes. It may also include event posters, artist line-up information, media coverage, or reviews. If this is difficult or time-consuming for your organisation to provide, we can talk with your designated liaison person to gauge your level of participation. Advertising or promoting PRISM and/or use of our logo at your locale or on your social media platforms would also qualify as meeting this criterion.